
'All the world's a stage'- and all of my shows are comedies. Welcome to my Wacky World, which is a collection of the mad, funny and sometimes slightly unbelievable things that happen to me.

Saturday 15 June 2013

Making an Utter Arse of Myself/ Awesome Shopping Trip

Two consecutive posts in two days! Do I get a cookie?

I went on a mini-adventure to find a supermarket I'd been meaning to explore, today. I'm not a huge fan of driving to new places because I have a slight irrational fear of one way systems (yes, really). Thankfully I'm also a dab hand at reading maps, so I've never gotten myself lost. Yet.

Anyway I got there fine, and had a wander around. To my excitement, they were selling a brand of ice cream I love I haven't seen for years. I searched for my favourite flavour: there were just two left! And they were on the tallest shelf and right at the back of the freezer.

Now, this freezer was the kind that sits above and a little back from an open chest-style freezer: in short, you have to lean over the open freezer to fish out what you want from the cabinet freezer. Me being only 5'4" and with perfectly proportioned (but all the same short) arms, my fingertips couldn't even reach the magical cartons of my favourite ice-cream, even with me leaning right over on the tips of my toes.

Determined to break my ice cream drought, the scientific part of my brain kicked in. Maybe I could grab a tub of another flavour and use that to poke it out? I gave it a go, but all I managed to do was knock one of the tubs sideways. What if I created a chain of tubs leading up to the ones I wanted at the back, and pushed them out by pushing the tub at the front of the chain? More ice cream tubs knocked over.

I tried a few things, knocking over more tubs and conscientiously righting them again, getting colder and colder by the minute as I dangled over one freezer with my head and arms jammed in another. Finally, with a tub of an unwanted flavour in each hand, I found a way of wiggling the two illusive tubs forwards inch by inch- by poking at them from underneath the grill-like shelf with the other tubs. After what seemed like an eon, I managed to wiggle them to the front.

Victoriously, I plopped the two unwanted tubs down, seized my prize, and slammed the freezer door shut. As I turned around, a fellow shopper (who had been behind me for the whole time, I think), caught my eye and quickly turned away, possibly seeing my grimly determined grin.

Off I went to the tills to pay for my prize, feeling like I'd truly earned it and that the day couldn't get any better. In front of me was a couple with a rather large weekly shop- I just had the two tubs of ice-cream, but being in no hurry, I took my place behind them anyway. The lady in front put the shopping divider town on the conveyor belt, and I smiled and thanked her (because I've always thought it the polite thing to do).

As about half of her shopping passed through the scanner, the lady suddenly turned to me and said, "There's an offer going on here where if you spend over £40 and you have a club card, you get this big bar of Toblerone chocolate- it looks like we're going to get one. But I'm on a diet! Would you like it, if I gave it to you?"

I blinked. "Wow, yes please- if you're sure! That's very kind of you"

"Not at all, I simply can't have it in the house- I'll just eat it in one sitting," the lady chuckled.

"I think you can probably see I'd have no qualms," I said, beaming and gesturing to my two ice-cream tubs' worth of shopping.

So now I have two tubs of one of my favourite ice creams, and a huge 400g bar of Toblerone for free.


Thank you again, lady!


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