
'All the world's a stage'- and all of my shows are comedies. Welcome to my Wacky World, which is a collection of the mad, funny and sometimes slightly unbelievable things that happen to me.

Saturday 23 June 2012

Life's a Drama- Mine's a Sitcom

Well, well, well.

Greetings and welcome to the Wacky World (et. al.) I tried to use to find another way of saying 'welcome' because it was becoming apparent that there were far too many 'w's floating around like a flock of crudely drawn birds, but came up short.

When I say 'of a weird girl', I'm referring more to my life. That is to say, I'm not denying that I'm weird- far from it in fact, I'm a little odd and little proud of it (but more on that another time). The Wacky World of a Weird Girl is more to do with the weird things that happen to me on a daily (alright that's a bit of an exaggeration- more like weekly) basis, and posting these often fun and sometimes slightly unsettling occasions on dear old Facebook just doesn't cut it any more.

Here, I'll post my musings and observations, but most importantly of all, my stories; I promise not to exaggerate. Believe me, I won't need to do any exaggeration, and some of them will still begger belief.

Enjoy/ brace yourself!

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